GeForce Now Free Tier: Ads Incoming, But Will Wait Times Decrease?

Nvidia’s free tier of GeForce Now, a cloud gaming service, is receiving a slight update on March 5th, 2024. Users will now experience up to two minutes of video ads while waiting in line for a gaming session.

Who is affected?

Only free-tier users will see these ads. The premium tiers, Priority and Ultimate, will remain ad-free.

How will it work?

The ads will appear before you begin your gaming session, similar to pre-roll ads on YouTube. They won’t interrupt your actual gameplay.

Why the change?

Nvidia’s reasoning for introducing ads is twofold:

  • Support the free tier: Ads aim to help offset the cost of maintaining the free service.
  • Reduce wait times: Nvidia believes this change might potentially shorten queue times for free users by increasing overall revenue.


A different perspective:

While waiting times may be an issue for some, the author argues that the free tier already faced limitations. The true potential of cloud gaming, they believe, is only accessible through paid tiers, like Ultimate, which offers advanced features like RTX 4080 power and G-Sync monitor support.

Looking ahead:

  • Nvidia plans to email free-tier users about the change on February 27th.
  • The author expresses interest in a $7.99 daily pass as a potential trial option, which Nvidia is currently not offering.


Overall, the article presents a mixed view on Nvidia’s decision. While some users may find the ads disruptive, others might welcome the potential for shorter waiting times. The long-term impact on the service and its user base remains to be seen.

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