UK Publishers Join Forces for Cookieless Targeting and Measurement Technology Test

Prominent UK publishers, including The GuardianThe Independent, Bauer, and Haymarket, are collaborating to conduct an extensive test of privacy-enhancing technology (PET) for ‘post-cookie’ advertising. As members of the UK Association of Online Publishers (AOP), these brands are partnering with Publicis Media on this initiative, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Anonymised, a PET designed for cookieless targeting and measurement. The project has received preliminary approval from the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The Context

It has been three years since the advertising industry began grappling with the impending demise of third-party cookies and mobile identifiers. During this time, consensus on how to perform robust tracking and measurement without compromising user privacy has remained elusive.

This ambitious project, scheduled to run throughout 2023 and early 2024, closely follows the blueprint testing framework outlined by the CMA for Google’s Privacy Sandbox. The results of this endeavor will be shared with both the CMA and the ICO in the second quarter of 2024.

The Significance

Richard Reeves, Managing Director at the AOP, emphasized that third-party cookies have not been ideal for publishers, as they often expose first-party data to the ecosystem, primarily benefiting adtech companies and advertising-focused platforms. Technologies like Anonymised offer publishers a unique opportunity to monetize audiences without divulging sensitive data, thereby fostering direct relationships with advertisers. This aligns with the vision of AOP members, who seek a fair and equitable exchange between publishers and advertisers.

Dr. Mattia Fosci, CEO of Anonymised, underlined the necessity for innovative technology providers in the market to help publishers and advertisers transition to a cookieless, privacy-centric internet. While Google’s Privacy Sandbox may serve as a foundational element for open-web advertising, continuous innovation is crucial to ensuring that the open web remains a competitive advertising destination in a privacy-focused digital landscape.

In summary, the collaborative efforts of UK publishers to test Anonymised and assess its viability for cookieless targeting and measurement signify a proactive response to the evolving advertising landscape. This initiative aims to safeguard user privacy while enabling publishers and advertisers to navigate the challenges of a post-cookie era and maintain the integrity of the open web as an advertising medium.

Source: MobileMarketing

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